She talked him into buying a house with a blow job and got change with cunnilingus? But then, what does semen on your face mean?! A binding contract?
Emma| 33 days ago
That's right, the nigger met her and put his dick in her mouth right away, so I was fucked. Trying to take his dick in her mouth so hard it makes her eyes glaze over. Seriously, the nigger is set up to dive deep, but the girl still has to practice and practice. Not many people can handle such a big and thick dick, it takes a lot of training. But good for the girl anyway, she didn't give up.
Antonio| 8 days ago
At the end of the fourth minute, the daughter takes her father's phallus in a very strange and uncomfortable position for her. Pathetic to watch. Daddy could have given good fatherly advice - the right way, teaching, prompting.
She talked him into buying a house with a blow job and got change with cunnilingus? But then, what does semen on your face mean?! A binding contract?
That's right, the nigger met her and put his dick in her mouth right away, so I was fucked. Trying to take his dick in her mouth so hard it makes her eyes glaze over. Seriously, the nigger is set up to dive deep, but the girl still has to practice and practice. Not many people can handle such a big and thick dick, it takes a lot of training. But good for the girl anyway, she didn't give up.
At the end of the fourth minute, the daughter takes her father's phallus in a very strange and uncomfortable position for her. Pathetic to watch. Daddy could have given good fatherly advice - the right way, teaching, prompting.
Who'll fuck me